Areca catechu
Common names: Betel nut palm, bunga, pinang, jambe
Distribution: Probably originated in Malaysia or Phillipines, but is now widely distributed in many tropical regions
This is the palm that produces the famous 'Betel nuts' much used in tropical countries as a mild stimulant.As a house plant it is superb, with broad, dark green feather-shaped leaves, and with a narrow, upright habit. Tolerates low to medium light, and requires rich soil and an abundance of water.
Resep sederhana:(The simple recipe)
Ambil satu biji buah pinang, kupas dan hancurkan. masukkan dalam gelas dan tuang dengan air panas setengah gelas. tunggu sampai air hangat lalu diminum. bisa ditambah gula jawa atau gula putih bila untuk mengurangi rasa 'sepet'nya. diminum 1 jam sebelum bersenggama.
Take one seed betel nuts and destroyed. Put in the glass and poured with hot water of half of the glass. Be waiting until warm and then was drunk. Could be increased palm sugar or white sugar when to reduce the feeling bad. Drunk 1 hour before copulating.
Resep lengkap:(The complete recipe)
Bahan:(The material)
-isi buah pinang 5 biji
-adas 1 sendok teh
-pulowaras 1sendok teh
-tali putri sejumput
-daun putri malu sejumput
-garam seujung sendok teh
Cara meramu: (the method gathered)
Haluskan biji pinang, adaspulowaras, tali putri, dan daun putri malu. tambahkan sedikit garam, dan di sangrai sampai harum atau bahan berwarna coklat.
Refine the betel nuts seed, adaspulowaras, tali putri rope, and the putri malu leaves.Add a little salt, and fried until fragrant or the material was brown.
Cara penyajian:
Ambil satu sendok teh bahan yang telah di sangrai tersebut dan masukkan dalam gelas sedang, tambahkan gula jawa secukupnya sebagai penyedap atau untuk mengurangi rasa sepet. dan tuang dengan air panas setengah gelas. tunggu sampai air hangat dan siap diminum.
Take one teaspoon of the material and put in glasses was, added adequate palm sugar and poured with hot water of half of the glass.
Be waiting until warm and was ready to be drunk.
Untuk permulaan bisa diminum 1x1 hari selama 3 hari berturut-turut. untuk menjaga stamina cukup diminum seminggu sekali.
For the beginning could be drunk 1x1 the day while 3 days were endless.
To guard stamina really was drunk a week.
NB: Bahan yang telah disangrai tersebut bisa disimpan sampai 1 bulan, simpan ditempat sejuk dan kering.
The material this could be kept up until 1 month, kept at cool and dry places.
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